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 Nasya oil is an herbal infused oil which is both nurturing and nourishing, and supports the sinus, nose, throat, and head. 


It is a balancing formula for all doshas, especially vata, and has been traditionally used to lubricate the nasal passages, improve the voice, and support clear vision.


The nose serves as a direct pathway to the brain and serves as a gateway to our consciousness.


When an excess of bodily fluids builds up in the sinus, throat, nose, or head regions, it is optimal to eliminate them through the nose.


Nasya, the practice of using herbally infused oil, assists in facilitating this cleansing process.


Nasya Oil not only soothes and protects the nasal passages but also provides relief from sinus congestion.


Incorporating daily nasal lubrication aids in the release of head tension and the alleviation of accumulated stress.


Ingredients: Sesame oil, Olive oil, Brahmi, Calamus, Skullcap, and Eucalyptus essential oil.

Naysa Oil


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