"Everything can be taken away from man but one thing- the last human freedom, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances."
-Viktor Frankl
​A method of restoring optimal health and well-being through routine exposure to and experience in the natural world
An unsolvable riddle that aims to shift ones consciousness from analytical thoughts to profound contemplation
​A directed exercise and mental imagery consciously creating images of success healing or relaxation for the purpose of self-improvement
​Systematic desensitization
A term coined by psychologist Joseph Wolpe to describe the process of progressive tolerance to stress by gaining a greater sense of comfort with the unknown three repeated exposure and visualization
Myofascial release
Deep tissue massage created by John Barnes to release tension by working with a myofascial (soft connective) tissue
The use of baths hot tubs Jacuzzis and flotation tanks to augment a sense of touch to promote relaxation
Progressive muscular relaxation (PMR)
​A relaxation technique tenzing and then relaxing the bodies muscle groups in a systematic and progressive fashion to decrease muscle tension
Clinical Biofeedback
A process using one or more specially designed machines to amplify body signals (e.g., heart rate, muscle tension) and display these signals in a way that can be interpreted so that their intensity can be changed for the health of the individual
Expressive Art Therapy
A coping technique of self-expression and self-awareness employing various media to describe feelings and thoughts in ways that verbal language cannot
Typically a one-syllable word (e.g., om, peace, love) or a short phrase that acts like a broom to sweep the mind of nonessential (ego-based) thoughts
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)
Developed by Albert Ellis as a means to help people cope with anxiety by changing the perceptions associated with the stressor.
Diaphramgmatic Breathing
The most basic relaxation technique; breathing from the lower stomach or diaphragm rather the the thoracic area
A series of breathing exercises to unlock chronic pain.
​Transcendental meditation
This meditation is the epitome of exclusive meditation in which all thoughts are eliminated save the mantra itself
Detached observation
A term derived from inclusive meditation during which the individual observes him or herself meditating in essence detaching from the ego's desire
A Sanskrit word that means union, specifically the union of mind body and spirit
​Guided mental imagery
An exercise and which one is guided through a series of suggestions provided by an instructor therapist or counselor to enhance ones imagination
Music therapy
The ability to listen to sing opera for music as a means to permit relaxation and homeostasis
The use of essential oils to promote relaxation through the sense of smell, often used in many types of body work as complementary relaxation method
T'ai Chi ch'uan
A relaxation technique originating among the Chinese a succession of movements to bring the body into harmony with universal energy (Chi); A moving meditation
Autogenic training
Introduced buy Schultz and Luthe; a relaxation technique where the individual gives conscious messages for various body parts to feel warm and heavy; Effects are thought to result from vasodilation to the specified body regions intended for warmth and happiness
Behavior Modification
A model that illustrates the steps taken to change a negative behavior into a positive one
Humor Therapy
A coping technique; the use of humor and comic relief as a means to relieve and reduce emotional stress by focusing on the funny, humorous, and positive aspects of life
A practice of increased concentration that leads to increased awareness; a solitary practice of reflection on internal rather than external stimuli
Flexible Optimism
A term coined by Seligman to convey that we can all harness the power of optimism into positive thinking
A Sanskrit term to describe diaphragmatic breathing that restores one's vital life force of energy
Restrictive Medication
A form of meditation wherein concentration is focused on one object (e.g., mantra, tratak) to the exclusion of all other thoughts, to increase self-awareness and promote relaxation
Inclusive meditation
A form of meditation we're all thoughts are invited into awareness without emotional evaluation, judgment, or analysis. Zen meditation is an example
Zen meditation
A form of meditation where in one learns to detach from one's emotional thoughts by becoming me observer of those thoughts
Salute to the Sun
(Surya Namaskar)
One of the most classic and symbolic series of hatha yoga postures, often performed at the beginning and/or end of each yoga session
​Active imagination
A term coined by Carl Jung describing and mental imagery process where in a lucid dream state or relaxed state you consciously imagine and resolve the end of a recurring dream Active imagination as a form of visualization
Massage therapy
A relaxation technique the manipulation of skin muscles ligaments and connective tissue for the purpose of releasing muscle tension and increasing physical comfort of musculature and surrounding joints
Floatation Tanks
A moderate sensory deprivation tank in which a person floats on his or her back and warm water to calm the nervous system through decreased stimulation
A form of Chinese energy exercise and energy healing where Qi or Chi is directed through the body as a means to balance ones energy
A form of relaxation; an individual provides himself/herself with suggestions to relax as opposed to having someone else provide the suggestions
Journal Writing
A coping technique; expression of thoughts, feelings, memories, and ideas in written form, either prose or poetry, to increase self-awareness
A circular-shaped object used as a visual mantra for the purpose of clearing the mind of a necessary (ego best) thoughts
Neurolinguistic Programming
A system designed to look at how our thoughts control our language influences our behavior
Active meditation
A term given to a physical activity (e.g., walking, swimming) that promotes a cleansing of the mind through repetitive motion
Belly Breathing
The most common form of relaxation by means of placing the emphasis of one's breathing on the lower stomach area (belly or diaphragm) rather than the upper chest (thoracic area), thereby decreasing sympathetic response and inducing a greater sense of relaxation
Insightful Meditation
An expression given to any type of meditation (inclusive or exclusive) whereby a person, once clearing the mind of interrupting thoughts and ego chit-chat, begins to expand his or her awareness to the intuition, or the deep-seated wisdom of the collective unconscious, thus giving insight into the person's life
A type of meditation where all senses concentrate on the activity being performed during the present moment like eating an apple or washing the dishes