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The Diamonds

Founders of Ab Intra Way

As a result of a lifelong journey learning to understand herself, how the brain works, and the many different ways people function, Morgan has obtained a level of knowledge and understanding of the human experience that can only be acquired by a combination of higher education, and a lifetime of difficult challenges and unique experiences. Despite the hardship she faced in her childhood and early adulthood, Morgan has been able to accomplish many great feats. Such as, being a devout wife, a mother to 2 incredible children, becoming a member of the National Honor Society of Psychology while earning her degree in Psychology from the University of West Florida, becoming a published author, and using her insights to overcome anxiety, depression, CPTSD, and ADHD. After discovering she is Autistic in 2022, something she has suspected for many years, her focus turned to learning how to live life in a way that eliminates the friction from her day to day life. Thus, Frictionless was born! Frictionless is a way of life for people that want less stress, more alignment, and better health! Specializing in Mindset Reconditioning, Adapting a Holistic Lifestyle, Herbology, and Neurodivergence, Morgan is able to help wide range of people, find their inner voice, and start living a frictionless life!

Co-Founder, Beautiful, Author, Host, Books, Dress, Smile
Holistic Wellness Coach, Tree, Outside, Family, Smile

Growing up Travis always felt out of place, he never really "connected" with too many people. Always wanting to learn more about how people think and act, which made him look at himself feeling he had ample room to improve.  That feeling resulted in a life long obsession with becoming the best version of himself possible.Despite that, he found himself battling addiction in early adult hood. Once he successfully overcame his addictions, Travis was able to turn his life around by going inward and finding his inner voice, allowing it to guide him to great personal and professional achievement. After spending 6 years in a position of leadership for a fortune 200 organization, he realized his passion was in helping people re-discover their inner voice and teaching them how to follow that inner guide to a more frictionless life. Over the past decade, Travis has had the opportunity to help people in all walks of life. From working with kids in the Big Brother program, as well as the Junior Achievement program, to business leaders and young professionals alike. Be it 1-on-1 or on a stage in front of a room full of people, Travis has the knowledge, compassion, and experience to help anyone life a more holistic, frictionless life!

Our platform is dedicated to elevating diverse voices and weaving together humanity's greatest insights and life works.​


The information on this website is for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with your healthcare provider for personalized medical advice. We strive to provide balanced perspectives and promote informed consent, but the content on this website should not be relied upon as medical advice. Please read our full medical disclaimer for more information.

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