Holistic Living the Ab Intra Way
The 8 Pillars of Holistic Health and Wellness: The Key to Living a Frictionless Life
The most important factor in living a holistic life, is you having the clarity on the life you want. Once we help you get clear on your vision of the future, we take an approach that connects each area of life and works on them all simultaneously, otherwise known as an Holistic approach.
Holistic health and wellness is a multi dimensional approach to health that encompasses physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being. Living a Holistic life is about understanding everything is connected and acting accordingly. Everything you do, say, think, eat, drink, don't do, everyone you spend time with, how you keep yourself, your home, and your community, your spiritual practices or lack there of, quite literally everything is connected. When all 8 pillars of holistic health are in balance, you are more likely to experience optimal health and well-being.
Physical Health:
Eat a healthy diet. This means eating plenty of organic fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. If you eat meat, only eat the leanest, high quality meat you can find. It also means limiting and removing all those terrible processed foods, sugary drinks (anything sugary for that matter), and unhealthy fats.
Get regular exercise. Exercise is vital for maintaining a healthy weight, reducing your risk of chronic diseases, and improving your mood. Consistent exercise also gives you more energy, allowsyour body to recover from injures quicker, and most importantly, it makes you stronger, when your bodies strong it reduces your chances of injury. Most adults should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.
Get enough sleep. Most adults need around 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Prepare before bed. drink a warm beverage (I prefer a nice sleep blend of tea), stretch or do some yoga, do some breath work, meditate, read a book, make sure your home is cool. All of those things can help you get a good nights sleep. I recommend the 4-7-8- Breathing technique if you are having a hard time getting to sleep.
Mental Health:
Manage stress. Stress is a universal experience, but too much stress can really harm your physical and mental health. There are many ways to manage stress, such as exercise, spending time in nature,, breathing techniques, reducing clutter and spending time with loved ones to name a few.
Practice relaxation techniques. Practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can help to reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. The "Physiological Sigh" is a great practice to reduce stress in real time. Another great practice is the "Wim Hof Breathing Method", just make sure you have a few minutes of time as this one can take longer depending on how many rounds you do.
Maintain positive relationships. Spend time with loved ones, do activities that you enjoy, and be supportive of others. Be charitable, give back where and how you can, and volunteer with kids, the elderly, or the less fortunate.
Emotional Health:
Express your emotions in a healthy way. This means finding healthy ways to deal with anger, sadness, and other difficult emotions. Such as exercise, writing, breathing, therapy, teas, etc.
Manage difficult emotions. This means learning how to cope with stress and difficult situations. Don't let the emotions build up, being proactive is critical for Emotional wellbeing.
Build self-esteem. This means believing in yourself and your abilities. Do things that challenge you, learn a new skill, complete what you start, honor your commitment.
Social Health:
Have strong relationships with family and friends. Spend time with loved ones, do activities that you enjoy together, and be supportive of each other.
Be involved in your community. Find ways to get involved and improve in your community, such as volunteering, joining a club, cleaning up areas, building a community garden or attending community events.
Feel connected to others. Make an effort to connect with others, both online and in person. Join groups, invite people to do things with you.
Spiritual Health:
Have a sense of purpose in life. Find something that gives your life meaning, such as your faith, your work, or your relationships. Re discover your inner wisdom and live a life that aligns with your purpose.
Connect with something larger than yourself. This could mean connecting with nature, with a higher power, or with something else that gives you a sense of peace and belonging. Spend time exploring what is for you.
Find meaning in your experiences. Reflect on your experiences and try to find meaning in them. Be in the moment to appreciate it in real time. Seek lessons from your past experiences and remember them for future adventures.
Environmental Health:
Live in a healthy environment. This means choosing to live in a place that is clean and safe. De clutter your area/room/home. Reduce or remove negative people, and spend time in places that make you feel good.
Reduce your exposure to toxins. This means avoiding exposure to harmful chemicals, preservatives, and dyes in foods. The micro plastics and micro metals we are exposed to daily as well. Maybe we need less alcohol or tobacco.
Protect your natural resources. This means recycling, conserving water, reducing your energy consumption, start a garden, and much more.
Financial Health:
Manage your money wisely. This means creating a budget, saving money, living within your means, be frugal and paying off debt.
Save for the future. Set aside money for retirement, emergencies, and other goals. have short and long term savings goals.
Use debt strategically. Only borrow money if it is beneficial and net positive for you, and make sure to repay your debts on time.
Intellectual Health:
Read regularly. Reading exposes you to new ideas and information, which can help you to think more critically and creatively.
Take classes or workshops. Learning new skills or knowledge can help to keep your mind sharp.
Solve puzzles or play brain games. These activities can help to improve your problem-solving skills and memory.
Get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for brain health and function.
By incorporating all 8 pillars of holistic health and wellness into your life, you can experience optimal health and well-being. So what are you waiting for? Start your journey to holistic health and wellness today!