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Uncanny Valley

The "uncanny valley" is a concept that describes the phenomenon where people may experience an eerie or uncomfortable feeling when interacting with a humanoid robot or other artificial entity that closely resembles a human but is not quite "human enough." In the context of autism, the uncanny valley may refer to the perception that individuals with autism exhibit social behaviors that are similar enough to those of typically developing individuals to be recognizable as social behaviors, but are not quite "normal" enough to be fully understood or accepted by others.


Research has suggested that individuals with autism may have difficulties with social communication, such as understanding nonverbal cues and facial expressions, and may struggle to initiate and maintain social interactions. These difficulties may lead to social behaviors that are perceived as unusual or awkward by others, which can in turn lead to social isolation and difficulties with forming and maintaining relationships.


The concept of the uncanny valley in autism highlights the challenges that individuals with autism may face in navigating social interactions and forming connections with others. However, it's important to note that individuals with autism are diverse and may have a wide range of social strengths and challenges, and not all individuals with autism will experience the uncanny valley effect.

Gestalt Learners

Gestalt learners take experiences as one piece, without being able to see the individual components. 


Many autistic children are analytic learners who can easily associate meaning with individual words. Both analytic and gestalt are legitimate (“normal”) learning styles

Sensory Integration

As many as 21 sensory integration are at work in our bodies 


Visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory 


Equilibrioception: sense of balance or vestibular sense


Proprioception and kinesthesia: orientation and motion of ones limbs and body in space


Nocioception: pain three kinds: cutaneous/superficial, somatic/deep tissue, or muscle, visceral/organs 


Interoception: helps us regulate our body’s internal state- tired, hungry, need to eliminate, physical manifestations of anxiety such as heart or breathing rate 


Hyperacute sensory systems- overloaded senses

Hypoacute- underresponsive

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